Thank you for the certificate, we really appreciate the cooperation and the opportunity to be part of this event.
Our employees loved the opportunity to volunteer for something as important as these games and of course you can count on our participation next year.
Have a great time and much success.
On behalf of the management of Kyndryl CIC Czechia I can declare that we consider volunteer activities not only as
interesting opportunity for our people, but your feedback also gives us a good signal that
the strategy of corporate and social responsibility that we are trying to build and cultivate is developing successfully.
The sporting development of young people is certainly one of the areas that is very important and I would like to thank you
thank you for organising the programme for our young people, but also for allowing us as a company and our employees to be involved.
We really appreciate your certificate, thanks especially to our volunteers. I believe that,
that we will continue to work with and support your great Emily Open in the future!
Good luck !
Emil Open je obrovská akce a plně rozumím tomu, že se nedá všechno naplánovat do posledního detailu. Nicméně, co mi dost chybělo, byl předled o tom, co se na jakých stanovištích od dobrovolníka čeká, kolik lidí bude mít na starosti, a podobně. Hodně detailů se řešilo na spolední chvíli (například doprovodný program) a vidět i organizátory zmatené nebylo moc povzbuzující. Nicméně akce to byla podle mě velmi podařená, děti vypadaly šťastné a já osobně jsem si to moc užila. Měla jsem pocit, že jsem užitečná a že můžu někomu pomoct. Bylo mi ctí se na akci podílet. Děkuji
The organization was sometimes very confusing and complicated, which I felt above all as a team delegate. I do not think it looks good if you are supposed to "take care of" someone, assist the person, but then you find out you do not even know basic information because it just does not get to you. So I think a better communication with volunteers would be useful. After all, we do it in our free time and that is why we would deserve the volunteers coordinators treated us differently.on
The participants and volunteers were very well looked after. The organization was excellent. Nothing was a problem.
About my work/experience - unfortunately, I was dissatisfied with myself. I can speak Russian and Bulgarian and I got the position of a delegate of Bulgaria - the delegation was sympathetic, giving badges and other little presents, but they kept changing everything and did not obey almost anything they were told. As I understood, everything was related to their dramatic financial problems. Moreover, the delegation consisted of two very disparate groups - Sofia and Varna. On top of that, they found friends from their community in Brno - it was simply a specific group. In such cases there should always be at least two people for the communication. So I rather helped the Moldavians than the Bulgarians.
Anyway, I was a volunteer at a number of events (Sokol race, national championship in cycling, world championship in street hockey, world championship in inline hockey, Olympic park, Olympic festival) so I can say the Emil Open was a successful event in every way. I'm just sorry I did not contribute a bit more.
On behalf of our volunteer team MYJÓMI I would like to thank you for the opportunity you gave us and the trust you put in us.
Thank you for the opportunity.
For next year I would improve the communication with the volunteers during the event (sometimes we did not have exact instructions on where to be and what to do, so it happened we were not really 100 % busy). In my opinion, it was a super event. I could see every participant enjoying themselves and having a good time. So, I was happy I could be part of it and could help the organisation run smoothly.
I only lacked more information.
I know it is very difficult to organise such a big event. It would have been better to introduce each volunteer to their role and position more in advance. The volunteers were organised the day before – on Friday evening I did not know exactly where and when I should be on Saturday. Otherwise, I think the organisers handled the event above-average and managed to help and please many children. Being a volunteer at this event benefitted me a lot.
I appreciated the organisers' non-stop availability on the phone and their efforts to solve problems as quickly as possible.
Better instructions sent before the event related to us, volunteers, and our job description, would have helped. We only got general information from which you did not learn much. I believe this would have raised the number of people interested and those who then really come.
The organisation was sometimes a bit hectic, but all was happening in a very friendly atmosphere. It is always a pleasure to work with such a team.
I am very glad I could be a part of the organising team and help during this event. I met a lot of amazing people in both the team and among the competitors. The athletes were brilliant.
I liked the very first seminar before the beginning of the event. Even though it was a brief one, the information provided was very valuable for me because I have no experience with disabled children.
The organisers were cool even though I sometimes felt like it was too big an event for them. Many volunteers could not even find themselves in the schedule and had to repeatedly contact the organisers. There was also a problem with the accreditation cards. Some volunteers did not have them and had to wear somebody else's. However, the organisers were very helpful and always tried to find a solution to any possible problem.
The organisers were very kind and friendly.
The organisers were superb.