This year we tried cycling for the first time. Despite the initial embarrassment and unfamiliarity with tricycles for the handicapped, we were still very satisfied. The coordination at the sports ground was great and the atmosphere was amazing. Last but not least was the beautiful enthusiasm of the racers!!! Thank you very much for the opportunity to try new ones and see you next year, health permitting!
The 13th European Games were the 8th Games for our athletes to participate in. Once again this wonderful and unforgettable meeting of young athletes with disabilities was amazing. Our athletes thoroughly enjoyed the whole event and the accompanying program, brought back medals, experiences and told their classmates about their successes.
Thanks to the organizers of this event, but also to all the volunteers who participated in the accompanying program, provided transportation, accommodation and catering, as well as the cooks and chefs.
Thank you for hosting the European Disabled Youth Games and we look forward to seeing you again next year
Translated with (free version)
Allow me to thank you most sincerely on behalf of myself and especially on behalf of the athletes of our school. And of course not only to you, but to all those who participated in the organization of these great sports competitions. This year we participated for the third time and these competitions are the culmination of our year-long sporting endeavours and a great motivation. We are happy that this international great competition is taking place. We always enjoy them very much and the medals won are all worth gold. Behind every medal is the sporting effort of the participating athletes and the joy of every metal won is immense. We certainly cannot imagine how much time, effort and unfortunately stress organizing such a big competition takes. And for this we owe you our admiration and great thanks. Please bear with us and we will look forward to seeing you next year.
The 12th edition of the Games is over and we have to thank for the organization, the accompanying program and everything else that belongs to such a big and great event. Our students were once again very successful and there is nothing more beautiful than to see their beaming, happy and smiling faces. They were thrilled with the atmosphere, their results and the accompanying programme at the Observatory.
Thank you for hosting this wonderful event and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Thank you so much for a great Emil Open 2023. Talking to my athletes, they all are agree that the event was fantastic and they would like to participate in the next year, Emil Open 2024 as well. We must definitely come to BRNO next year, because we missed the visit to the water center. The biggest thanks goes to you Vojtěch for coming to meet us at the railway station and guiding us in the competitions. Thank you very much!
Best Regards Andres and Co (Virtus Estonia)
I would like to thank you so much for the wonderful event that is the Emil Open.
My daughter Lucy, my husband and I participated for the first time this year, and I am very sorry that we did not participate in previous years. Neither my husband nor I wanted to stay home, so we all went. And we definitely don't regret it. If there is a chance, we will go again next time. Everything was absolutely fine. Sports grounds beautiful, accommodation clean and good food. Even I as a vegetarian always had very tasty food, which is not usual.
The Emil Open is a fantastic event that left me with a wonderful feeling.
Thank you for the wonderful experience of this amazing, very challenging for you, event. This is the 6th year we have participated in the games and we always have a wonderful experience and most importantly our students take away medals, experiences, make new friends, but also meet friends from previous years. Our thanks to everyone who looked after us in accommodation, meals, accompanying programme and others. Thank you and we look forward to the 12th annual Disabled Youth Games.
Thanks for hosting Latvian Team members in Emil Open 2022 European disability Youth Sport Games beautiful Brno city. Martins Mamis. Latvia.
Dobrý den, moc děkujeme za certifikát, za fotky i videa, ale především za skvělé dny u Vás v Brně. Na Emil Open jezdíme již několik let, byli jsme i na 1. ročníku, proto mohu porovnávat a vidím velké pokroky ;) Každým rokem je úroveň větší a větší. Na sportovní akce různého druhu jezdím s dětmi bezmála 40 let, ale Emil Open patří mezi TOP ;) Všechno precizně připravené, vše klape a když se nějaká maličkost objeví, hned je vyřešena.
Děkuji jménem svým i svých sportovců za Váš čas, chuť a zájem pro tuto činnost, především lásku k postiženým spoluobčanům a sportu, bez toho by to asi nešlo. Tou největší odměnou nám všem je úsměv, smích, zážitky a sportovní výsledky těch, pro které to všichni děláme. Našim dětem se nechce nikdy odjíždět domů a žadoní o účast v roce příštím. Letos nově i o hry zimní.
Přeji Vám všem hodně zdraví, energie a síly do další práce.
Dobrý den, máme pro Vás jen slova chvály a patří Vám všem "Emílkům" naše veliké díky a poděkování. Naše výprava se zúčastnila v plném počtu a opět jsme si celý pobyt neskutečně užili. Nevětší zážitek pro naše děti byl Aquapark Moravia v Pasohlávkách. Bohužel pak přišla katastrofická zpráva z blízkého okolí, ujeli jsem jen tak tak (ale to jsme zaznamenali jen my dospěláci, myslím, že většina z nás pak obětem přispěla v rámci svých možností). Doprovodný program na náměstí jsem také navštívili. Vše klapalo na velkou 1. Moc děkujeme za krásné zážitky a krásné medaile s výročním ročníkem a samozřejmě za zajištění dopravy, stravy a ubytování. Rádi se zúčastníme i v příštím roce. Děkujeme rovněž za pamětní certifikát.
Dear Organisers, we are very grateful to you!
The sport event and accompanying programs were perfect. We met a lot of kind and helpful volunteers .
We hope the Erasmus + application will be supported and see you next June again in Brno!
Best regards and have nice summer.
Dobrý den, zdravím z Jablonce nad Nisou a děkuji za mailík, certifikáty a odkazy. A ještě jednou posílám velké poděkování za krásnou akci.
Dobrý den, jubilejní 10. Evropské hry jsou úspěšně za námi a opět se skvělými výsledky našich sportovců. Chtěla bych Vám moc poděkovat za výborně zorganizovanou sportovní akci i za krásný zážitek z doprovodného programu. V letošním roce pro Vás byla organizace velmi náročná s ohledem na dodržování vládních nařízení, ale vše jste zvládli dobře a patří Vám velký dík. Všichni naši žáci se už moc těší na další 11. ročník této nádherné akce.
Poděkování patří také všem ostatním, kteří se o nás po celou dobu pobytu v Brně starali.
Hello! I would like to thank all organizers of Emil Open that they did not give up and they organized another amazing year in such difficult times. They looked after us not only during the competitions but also in our free time - accomodation, transport, accompanying program, everything was perfectly organized. I also want to appreciate the philosophy of the games where almost everyone wins. Although according to a famous motto: it is not winning but taking part, I believe that wearing a medal makes miracles, especially in this case. Maybe it is caused by the fact that in real life, these participants do not have many opportunities to win. Thank you!
Hello, we’re glad that European games were in time, it was great! For me as a former athlete and running coach especially, the atmosphere, the top event, etc. I know this from the real World and European Athletics Championships. The fact that the competitors had havier balls in shot put qualification did not matter / after my warning /, the conditions were the same for everyone and in the final it was already right.
Otherwise really excellent, incl. facilities, accommodation, catering, and we also managed to visit some sights. Next year we will stay for a cruise on the Brno dam.
I would like to thank for all the participants from Makej!/ Aldente / Úsměvů for organizing another amazing event which we enjoyed a lot! Especially these days, it must have been complicated to manage everything necessary for Emil Open. You have a great team!
Me and our pupils with multiple disabilities would also like to thank very much for the great event. We enjoyed it very much. Many thanks to all the organizers and volunteers who took care of us and prepared unforgettable days for us. Children talk about Emil Open experiences all year long :)
We are already looking forward to next years!
I would like to thank you, on behalf of myself and all our students, for the wonderful experiences at the 8th European Games of Handicapped Youth. We got gold, silver and bronze medals again, from which the children were enthusiastic. Our thanks also go to all those who took care of us at the Taufer Dormitory. We are looking forward to the 9th European Games and we wish to all those who participated in the organization a great summer.
I would like to thank you once again for the the possibility to participate and for your great effort in overcoming the big obstacles and ensuring a smooth running of the Games. It really was beautiful and all our team members were literally over the moon.
I wish the whole organising team a nice and easy summer and a lot of rest after such demanding days.
My son and I participated for the first time. We were very excited about the atmosphere, the programme and the care and hospitality of the organizers. Big thanks!!!!
The accommodation and board were absolutely satisfying, the service for the athletes also (of course the ice cream, fruits and juices were unbeatable :-))
A possible space for improvement for the next editions would be in the organization. I know this is so difficult with so many volunteers that are not so knowledgeable and I can not advise you on how to achieve this :-), but I was surprised by the lack of information of the "staff". For example when we were supposed to go to the theater and my son and I were alone at the bus stop, I ran to ask a very helpful and willing accommodation coordinator if the bus was coming. He was surprised there was any theater on the programme. So he asked the volunteer (also very kind and helpful) sitting next to him but she had no idea either. She immediately set off with us and a bit worried waited for the bus with us that eventually arrived. However, the driver did not even know if we had to go get some other people so we just in case went to all the other dorms. The way back was very similar. And there were more such situations.
It's not a critique :-) I admire the diligence, effort and helpfulness of all th volunteers and professionals. It is just possible food for thought for you.
We are sending bit THANKS your way and wish you a blessed summer full of kind encounters.
I would sincerely like to thank you for a very pleasant atmosphere, amazing experiences, and remarkable moments we could experience with you in Brno :) We have received very good and positive feedbacks from so many people. Especially Zajícova family and Tomáš Zajíc, whose apetite for swimming was whet to such an extent that he has decided to be more active in swimming and start with trainings. He was also very honoured to be the flag bearer.
We wish you all the best!
The 7th European Youth Games for the Disabled are over now so I would like to thank you, on behalf of our schoold and students, for the amazing experience that we have gained at the Games. The organisation of this year´s Emil Open was not easy for you and that is why we appreciate your efforts even more.
A great thank you also belongs to all those who took care of us at the dormitories - the cooks at Tauferovy dorms and all the others. Our students have great memories and experiences from the accompanying programme (Observatory and Planetarium) and the event as such. But most importantly they brought gold, silver and bronze medals. Once again thank you. We look forward to meeting you next year.
I am pleased to thank you for the amazing European Youth Games for the Disabled, in which our sporting club Road, Jesenice, could participate. Our athletes enjoyed the atmosphere a lot, competed with enthusiasm and devotion. Winning medals in their categories made them all the more excited. They pride themselves on the medals at school and in the swimming club and are proud of their achievements. Moreover, everywhere they go they speak highly of the event - how GREAT and AMAZING it was!!! They appreciate the opportunity to experience a real competition for the first time, meet other athletes and try to understand a bit of English :)
We do take a bow for a perfect organisation, friendly and pleasant atmosphere, team´s and volunteers´ enthusiasm. We are sure it is hard work and takes a lot of effort.
We had no problems, everything worked perfectly, we got all the information, the transport was also marvellous. We really fell in love with Brno and still are looking at the pictures and remembering!! We are already looking forward to the next Games.
Once again - BIG THANKS!
I would like to commend your whole team for trying so hard to ensure the success of the Games. The volunteers did a great job. Despite of being tired, they were helpful and had a smile on their faces. I have sent you an email with some food for thought for the future editions. I wish you good luck with preparing the next Games.
I would like to thank you once more for the opportunity to participate in the Emil Open. It was such a great experience for us. We met so many wonderful people. Thank you for doing all this for our kids.
Best regards, Kočáriková from Piešťany :)
Our athletes and coaches have very good memories of the competition in Brno. They had a wonderful time and got good results –all thanks to a perfect organisation. Thank you very much and good luck with the next games.
It was again a nice event and good competition. I hope we’ll be here again!
Thank you very much for amazing competitions, great organisation, and accompanying programme. Everything worked perfectly. As an accompanying programme we chose the Mendel Muzem and Planetarium and enjoyed both a lot. We hope to participate next year. We wish you good luck with the other edition.
We are very grateful to you for having participated at the event. It is an unforgettable memory for all of us. Have a great summer.
On behalf of the Nově Město nad Metují high school and elementary school I would like to sincerely thank you for beautiful 3 days in Brno. Emil open 2018 was absolutely fantastic. Our students enjoyed everything so much. They competed, god some medals, made new friends and visited Brno for the first time. Everything was organised in a brilliant way, the accommodation and food were superb. I cannot imagine how much work it must be to organise an event of this size. But the experiences and memories the athletes get are worth it. That is why I hope that this year´s financial problems will not discourage you and there will be Emil Open Games next year. We would love to come again. We wish you all the best. Please, thank the whole team. See you next year.
It´s an excellent event, but needs many improvements to be very good in my point of view.
Very rich accompanying programme. We had a lot of options to choose from.
We are very happy that we had been part of Emil Open 2017. We are surely coming back next year. Keep up the good work you are doing.
The Emil Open Games were an amazing experience for us. The children were excited and the organisation was perfect. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
On behalf of our athletes and myself, let me thank all the organisers for the perfect conditions you provided us with in Brno. On behalf of our team I can say that the Games fulfilled their goal. Our children were motivated to do sport and also had the opportunity of meeting with their peers from other countries. They could explore Brno as a beautiful city but also as a potential city of their university studies. I will be pleased if you invite us next time.
Unfortunately, Golf Masters took place only one day, which we did not expect. The coaches were very kind and helpful though. We would have loved to spend the next day with them as originally planned.
I would like to thank you for a great event that we really enjoyed. The children were more than happy and everything went smooth. All the volunteers and referees were great too. Thanks one more. We look forward to the next edition.
We participated in athletics only and everything was okay. The stadium provided excellent facilities so we could spend all day there with no problems.
It was an honour and pleasure to be part of such an excellent event not only as a partner, but also as participants. We already look forward to the next successful edition.
I would like to express my big thanks organising a perfect event that we really enjoyed. We had a great holiday in Brno. We look forward to next year.
Thank you, Emil. We hope to see you next year.
Thanks again for the lot of help before and during the event. Our team was extremely satisfied with everything and we hope we can be there in 2018 again.
On behalf of NPC Kazakhstan and our team I would like to express our gratitude for the event in Brno. It was both enjoyable and fruitful for our team. Our thanks goes to all organisers of the competition for very good work they are providing.
I would like to thank everyone who helped organise this year´s Emil Open. Thank you for a great organisation, atmosphere, plastic raincoats during the Opening Ceremony, perfect sporting competitions, beautiful accommodation and very tasty meals, transport, all accompanying programme, which our children enjoyed. Our big thank you also goes to the volunteer Dominika Ulmanová, who took a good care of us during our whole stay at the Pod Palackého vrchem dormitory - she was always smiling and helpful. We were very pleased with the certificates and hand clappers. Thank you once again sooooo much. We will be happy to come again.
Hello to Emil! I am very glad I could participate in such a great event as Emil Open. I had a great time. I wish you good luck with your other projects :-)
Thank you for oganising this event, it must have been really demanding.
We also recommended the event to our colleagues in Poland.
The meals and accommodation were very good, the coordinators were very kind and helpful. They always did their best to help us, give us information we needed or arrange necessities.
We will surely recommend. We arrived worried about how able will our disabled children will be to handle it all - mainly the transfers to their acommodation, to the sporting venues etc. However, our worries vanished right when we arrived at the station in Brno where buses were ready to pick us up and all organisers started taking good care of us.
Firstly, I must thank you for the beautiful time that we had in Brno. The organisation and people were on a really high level - everything was organised and well-prepared so we had no problems during our stay in Brno. Our students were excited and had much fun and are already asking when (not if) we are going back next year. We hope there will be place for our team next year too. Thank you again for all your help through our correspondence via email.
Thank you for all the great experiences we had during the Emil Open Games. We will be happy to participate in the next edition.
Thank you so much once more for all you are doing. We really enjoyed the Games.
I would like to express my gratitude and admiration. Thank you very much also on behalf of our athletes for organising the competitions. We will be looking forward to the next edition.
I would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity of participating in the European Youth Games for the Disabled Emil Open 2017. Our children were delighted, loved Brno and achieved amazing results. They competed in athletics and got 5 gold, 4 silver and 2 bronze medals. It was a great experience for them and finally they succeeded. They wear their Emil Open to school and share with their classmates the experience from the competitions and the sail on a steamboat.
I would be very happy if we could participate in the Games next year if you organise them again. I know that it is very difficult to organise such an event, but everything went well - so thank you for that. You have my respect.
The meals were good, accommodation satisfactory. I greatly appreciate the favours of the organisers as well as the cooks and other boarding and lodging facilities employees.
It was an excellent event. The children were excited and definitely want to come back.
The organisers were very helpful.
We will surely recommend and will be happy to come back :-)