Are you 10 to 26 years old and enjoy exercise? Then do not hesitate and come compete with both disabled and able-bodied athletes from all across Europe! Also, becoming a volunteer will allow you to experience an international sport event. So, become involved in the Games organisation and get a volunteer certificate.
The European Youth Games for the Disabled are an international and a social gathering of young people with disabilities.
The expected number of international participants and the sport and accompanying programme make the event unique and of a European format.
The Games follow on from the previous successful editions.
We will surely recommend. We arrived worried about how able will our disabled children will be to handle it all - mainly the transfers to their acommodation, to the sporting venues etc. However, our worries vanished right when we arrived at the station in Brno where buses were ready to pick us up and all organisers started taking good care of us.
We are very happy that we had been part of Emil Open 2017. We are surely coming back next year. Keep up the good work you are doing.
Dobrý den, jubilejní 10. Evropské hry jsou úspěšně za námi a opět se skvělými výsledky našich sportovců. Chtěla bych Vám moc poděkovat za výborně zorganizovanou sportovní akci i za krásný zážitek z doprovodného programu. V letošním roce pro Vás byla organizace velmi náročná s ohledem na dodržování vládních...